COLOR is solely derived from a clay rub, from dirt acquired in Sedona, Arizona. Sedona is a metaphysical paradise with its infamous vortexes. These vortexes are swirling centers of energy, passageways to powerful transformational energy zones. They are spiritual areas where Native Americans often build medicine wheels and hold sacred ceremonies.
BACKGROUND is stark white.
TEXTURING is heavy with many furrows and crevices lending to its natural earth-like appearance, in contrast to the stark flatness of the prepared board. The four corners have been cut away in a triangular fashion exposing texture of the carved surface. The figure is done in reverse negative.
SIZE is 15”H x 16”W
CULTURAL INSPIRATION: This exquisite picture is of a Mimi spirit, a gentle spirit that lives on the rocky plateaus. This particular cave art composition was one of the unique art examples selected for insertion in the 1949 “UNESCO World Art Series of rare art masterpieces of the world”, (Plate VI). The rock art is from the Deaf Adder Gorge area. Aboriginal informants say that this work was drawn by the Mimi spirits prior to Aboriginal settlement. Mimi spirits are thin, slender figures, who need to protect their necks during a strong wind, as they would break if the Mimi ventured out of their rock shelters. These stick figures are often shown running with great strides, holding yams and baskets, fans, and spears poised either for fighting, hunting, dancing or performing rituals. They are shy spirits that hide from human beings. Mimi has magical abilities and can escape to safety by breathing into fissures or crevices that open to admit them. Mimi spirits taught the natives many of their present day skills, mirroring the life of the Aborigines. They taught the natives to hunt and cook, composed songs and dances for ceremonial purposes and taught them the art of drawing. While an aboriginal is sleeping and dreaming, he may be visited by one of these mischievous spirits who will interpret his dream and give him instructions on executing a painting. In this picture the Mimi spirit is also carrying a fan or “norkun”. Norkuns are made from two wings of a palmated goose. These geese are abundant around the billabongs and backwaters. The natives tie the two wings together with human-hair string. Aboriginal women also use these fans to shield their faces from certain males and more commonly to ward off flies. In a country where flies are pests by day and mosquitoes by night, the fan is a most useful implement. |